Cypress — first time.
Mar 13, 2021
Create project.
Example when create Cypress automation for Web “”
>npm init
...Initial project detail....>npm install cypress --save-dev>npm cypress open
...Initial cypress structure-"cypress/integration" delete "example" folder-"cypress/integration" create folder "automation-test-store"-"cypress/integration" create file "login.js"
Code Structure
/// <reference types="Cypress" />describe("Test login via web AutomationTestStore", () => { it("Should be able to sign up", () => { //cypress code });});
Diable XHR Log
Cypress X-Path
>npm install -D cypress-xpath
Random string for user and password
let randomString = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);const email = "auto_" + randomString + randomString + "";const password = "Password1";// const securityAnswer = "Hello world";